“Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper tree…” (Isaiah 55:13 NIV)

Did you know?
Approx. 1 in 4
Kids who age out of the foster care system become homeless within 4 years. 31 - 46% of children aging out of foster care end up homeless at least once by the age of 26 years old. -National Institutes of Health
Over 100,000
Children and teens are victims of sex trafficking in the United States. 60% of trafficked children are foster youth. -National Foster Youth Institute
More than 70%
Of young women who have exited the foster care system become pregnant by the age of 21, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures
Approx. 25,000
Children age out of the foster care system each year in the United States. The state of Michigan estimates 1,600 youth will age out this year.