“Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper tree…” (Isaiah 55:13 NIV)

The Juniper Concept
A Non Profit Charitable 501(c)(3) Corporation
Reengaging Communities
The Juniper Concept is designed to reengage communities, families and individuals in social & environmental awareness, and to provide meaningful bonds within our families and communities. Our mission is to create a positive impact in society by promoting social welfare, environmental sustainability and community development. We do this through various initiatives such as community gardens, mentorship programs, education and supporting kids aging out of the juvenile dependency system.
For years, we sat in the hallways of the juvenile dependency courts listening to many families devastating stories and situations. We heard of children falling through the cracks of the education, judicial, and foster systems. Overwhelmingly, disconnection from their communities was prevalent.
As the desire to see change grew in us, The Juniper Concept's mission was formed. Desiring to bring back purpose to our social environment and create responsibility to reach children and young individuals before the statistics can take hold of their lives. "Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper tree..." (Isaiah 55:13 NIV))